Recruitment Information

Every fall our chapter holds what is known to many as formal recruitment. Other sororities might also call this "rush". This is the time at the beginning of each school year when a PNM (Potential New Member) goes through different rounds or days of recruitment. During this time, they get to know some of the girls from our chapter, understand who we are, what our philanthropy is, and more! 

Formal recruitment is a special time for PNM's to decide where they feel the most at home at their home away from home. If all goes well, girls who connect with the members and show great promise to be a great ZTA will be selected to receive a bid at the end of the recruitment period.

During the Spring semester, those who did not pursue ZTA go through what is called COB (Continuous Open Bidding). This takes place at the beginning of the spring semester. This type of recruitment is less formal, does not have rounds, and is more of an "ease in" approach to the sisterhood. 

It is an exciting time when as a chapter, we look for girls to become our new sisters and invite them into the sisterhood. Joining Zeta Tau Alpha is a very rewarding experience and lasts a lifetime. As we ZTA's tend to say "Zeta is forever"!


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